Rome. 26 February 2019 . Domitilla Benigni, COO of Elettronica Group, a leader group in the defense market with a subsidiary focused on Cyber intelligence and Cyber security named Cy4gate – has joined, as a founding member, the Woman4Cyber initiative. The project, launched by the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), has the aim to develop a concrete agenda to meet the growing demand for cyber security professionals in Europe. This spirit of inclusiveness has driven ECSO to consider the role and participation of women in the cyber security field which is increasingly becoming an important political, economic and societal challenge.

Domitilla Benigni is now one of the 30 top female leaders of the initiative with the target to transform into reality the inclusion and career advancement of women in cyber. “The Digital Transformation is bringing us in the freedom era with a whole new range of opportunities, and women can play a revolutionary role in the cyber sector. Our unique competences, our perceptiveness and open-mindedness should encourage both young and experienced women to get this chance. I’m very proud to be a founding member of the Women4Cyber initiative”, said Domitilla Benigni to comment the new challenge.