1289 – Qala’un, the Sultan of Egypt, captured Tripoli.

1429 – Joan of Arc led Orleans, France, to victory over Britain.

1661 – The Chinese Ming dynasty occupied Taiwan.

1672 – King Louis XIV of France invaded the Netherlands.

1856 – A peace treaty was signed between England and Russia.

1858 – Austrian troops invaded Piedmont.

1916 – Irish nationalists surrendered to British authorities in Dublin.

1918 – Germany’s Western Front offensive ended in World War I.

1924 – An open revolt broke out in Santa Clara, Cuba.

1945 – The German Army in Italy surrendered unconditionally to the Allies.

1945 – In a bunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were married. Hitler designated Admiral Karl Doenitz his successor.

1945 – The Nazi death camp, Dachau, was liberated.

1946 – Twenty-eight former Japanese leaders were indicted in Tokyo as war criminals.

 1974 – U.S. President Nixon announced he was releasing edited transcripts of secretly made White House tape recordings related to the Watergate scandal.
1975 – The U.S. embassy in Vietnam was evacuated as North Vietnamese forces fought their way into Saigon.

1988 – Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev promised more religious freedom.

1990 – The destruction of the Berlin Wall began.

1994 – Israel and the PLO signed an agreement in Paris which granted Palestinians broad authority to set taxes, control trade and regulate banks under self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho.

1996 – Former CIA Director William Colby was missing and presumed drowned after an apparent boating accident in Maryland. Colby’s body was later recovered.

1997 – Astronaut Jerry Linenger and cosmonaut Vasily Tsibliyev went on the first U.S.-Russian space walk.
2009 – NATO expelled two Russian diplomats from NATO headquarters in Brussels over a spy scandal in Estonia. Russia’s Foreign Ministry criticized the expulsions.