New Delhi. 15 march 2017. The primary objective of Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS)-UDAN is to facilitate / stimulate regional air connectivity by making it affordable. The Expenditure Finance Committee has recommended the proposal for revival of 50 un-served/ under-served airports/airstrips of the State Governments, Airports Authority of India and Civil enclaves at an estimate cost of Rs. 4500 crores, in three financial years starting from 2017-18. However, the revival of airstrips/airports is ‘demand driven’, depending upon firm commitment from airline operators as well as from the State Government for providing various concessions.
Airports Authority of India(AAI), the implementing agency of Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS) -UDAN has received 43 initial proposals from 11 bidders covering 92 airports( 30 currently served airports, 12 currently under served airports and 50 currently un-served airports). The list is at Annexure 1.
Kadapa Airport in Andhra Pradesh is included in the list of under served airports under RCS-UDAN. However, the airlines are free to select airports based on their assessment of demand on particular routes and submit proposals at the time of bidding under RCS from time to time.
After technical scrutiny of the proposals, financial bids in respect of 22 proposals have been opened and selection of the airline operators for operations under RCS is underway. The Selected Airline Operator shall be required to commence the RCS Flight operations within a period of six months from the execution of contract to be executed for operations under RCS.
Airports Authority of India owns and maintains 8 airports in Madhya Pradesh including a Civil Enclave at Gwalior. Development of airports to international standards is a continuous process and is undertaken by Airports Authority of India (AAI) from time to time depending upon commercial viability, traffic demand, availability of land, demand from airlines, etc. Bhopal, Indore and Khajuraho airports in Madhya Pradesh have already been upgraded to international standards with new integrated terminal buildings and other requisite facilities for international operations.
Indian carriers are free to mount services from any point in India to foreign destinations as per the respective bilateral air service agreements. However, actual operations are always guided by traffic demands and commercial judgement of airlines.