- Basis the report by BBC UK and The Guardian on the bribery scandal
New Delhi. 01 November 2016. “We have made it clear that Rolls-Royce will not tolerate business misconduct or inappropriate behaviour of any kind and in recent years we have intensified our focus on ethics and compliance, which are foundations of our culture. Our Global Code of Conduct, which applies to all of our employees, makes it clear that we have zero tolerance to bribery and corruption. In 2014 our Anti-Bribery and Corruption compliance team, working with internationally respected independent authority on ethics and compliance Lord Gold, completed a thorough review and update of the Group’s anti-bribery and corruption policies including those concerning the use of advisers and intermediaries.
Concerns about bribery and corruption involving intermediaries remain subject to investigation by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and other authorities. We are fully co-operating with the authorities and we cannot comment on ongoing investigations. It is for the SFO or other investigating authorities, not Rolls-Royce, to comment upon the scope and nature of the allegations they are investigating. Our decision not to comment on any allegation or claim put to us is not an admission or confirmation.”