Paris. 25 March 2020. The President of the Republic decided on a proposal from the Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, and the Chief of the Defense Staff, Army General François Lecointre, to launch Operation Resilience. This unprecedented military operation will be dedicated to supporting public services and the French in the fields of health, logistics and protection. While the Nation needs everyone’s help more than ever, the armies are and will be there.
The unprecedented health crisis facing France requires everyone’s commitment. The assistance of armies in these difficult times for the Nation is not only natural, but above all essential. The Ministry of the Armed Forces is already fully mobilized , as shown, in recent days, several medical evacuations by air and sea, as well as the deployment of a field hospital , which relieves the hospital of Mulhouse very hard hit.

In order to federate and coordinate all the actions carried out by the Armed Forces in support of the collective fight against the epidemic, the President of the Republic launches a dedicated military operation: Operation Resilience. It will focus on helping and supporting populations as well as supporting public services to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic, in mainland France and overseas, in the fields of health and logistics. and protection.

Its missions will be adapted to local contexts and will be the fruit of a dialogue with the state authorities on the spot, in compliance with the rules for the employment of armies on the national territory and by mobilizing the available resources. They will take into account the priority constituted by the continuation by the armies of their operations for the benefit of the security of the French, on the national territory, in the air, on the seas, in the cyber space, as in the external theaters.

This operation will be separate from Operation Sentinel, which continues to focus on its counter-terrorism mission. The armies will engage in all sectors where they can provide support for the continuity of the state.