12 August 2016. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has established Bi-nodal “Centre of Propulsion Technology” (CoPT) at IIT Bombay and IIT Madras through an agreement signed on 9th July, 2016 at IIT Bombay amongst DRDO, IIT Bombay and IIT Madras.
The Centre (CoPT) is mandated to plan the research activities in consultation with DRDO, coordinate and progress research activities with the Primary Research Nodes and other academic institutions including any industry, as required, and enhance technology maturity in respective areas.
For the first phase of CoPT activities, an expenditure of Rs. 160 Crore has been sanctioned. Its constituents are:-
· Technical Programs pertaining to gas turbine propulsion for small engine, solid propellant combustion modelling, and morphing aircraft technologies.
· Infrastructure development.
· CoPT running expenses.
The cost is to be met entirely out of Grants-in-aid funds from DRDO.