CAE has been contracted to upgrade the NWTS used to train
and educate Swedish Navy sailors and officers in naval tactics,
procedures and doctrine.
Montreal. 05 September 2019 .CAE announced it has recently been awarded a contract from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) to upgrade and expand the capabilities of the Naval Warfare Training System (NWTS) located at the Swedish Naval Warfare Centre (NWC) in Karlskrona, Sweden.
The NWTS, originally developed by CAE for the Swedish Navy and put into service in 2016, is used by the Swedish Navy for training in a range of disciplines, including sensor operations and command, control, communications, and computers (C4). A total of 52 student stations along with 13 instructor operator stations allow the Swedish Navy to train and rehearse for their operations.
The upgrades to the NWTS will include enhancements supporting active sonar training, additional electronic warfare training capabilities, and improved training scenarios. In addition, CAE will add a range of computer-generated forces (CGF) entities to simulate both friendly and enemy forces, thus delivering a more realistic virtual training environment.

The NWST is used as part of the comprehensive training conducted at
the Swedish Naval Warfare Centre in Karlskrona.
“We are continually looking for ways to improve training and make the delivery of training at the NWC more efficient and effective,” said Captain Magnus Jonsson, Commander, Swedish Naval Warfare Centre. “The upgrades to the NWTS will help us enhance the training delivered to sailors and officers in naval tactics, procedures and doctrine.”
The student stations included as part of the NWTS include a range of core CAE simulation technologies, such as simulation systems for sonar, radar, and communications. The synthetic maritime environment has been built to the Open Geospatial Consortium Common Database (OGC CDB) standard, which is an open and international standard for the creation of synthetic environment databases.
“The Swedish NWTS and our ongoing support is a great example of CAE’s naval training systems integration capabilities,” said Marc-Olivier Sabourin, CAE’s Vice President and General Manager, Europe/Africa. “These Phase 1 upgrades and other upgrades planned in future development phases will continue to add functionality and capability to a training system that has become an integral part of Swedish Navy training.”