- Graves and U.S. congressional delegation at Paris Air Show 2023

Paris. 21 June 2023. Congressman Sam Graves (R-MO) Chair of the congressional Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and a pilot was on hand at the Paris Air Show as leadership from SkyAlps airline and Tamarack Aerospace revealed more details about their plans to develop the world’s most efficient regional aircraft by offering an upgrade package for the DeHavilland Dash 8. SkyAlps intends to make a global impact on aviation sustainability by offering a highly modified DeHavilland Q400 regional aircraft to the world within two years. Other noteworthy aviation-related companies are expected to have their technology and products integrated into the Q400.
Congressman Graves said the Tamarack and SkyAlps deal has far-ranging implications, “This Letter of Intent between Tamarack Aerospace, a US aviation technology thought-leader and SkyAlps also an aviation visionary, is a powerful example of U.S. and other companies working together to meet the world’s sustainability goals.”
Joined by others from the congressional delegation at the show, an optimistic Graves went on and said, “Congress encourages relationships like the one featured today by Tamarack and SkyAlps so the world understands how innovative like-minded aviation operations can reduce their carbon footprint while providing an improved sustainable and safer flight experience for passengers and the global aviation industry.”
“We are delighted to join SkyAlps in this important LOI and appreciate Congressman Graves recognition of the possibilities of our game-changing sustainable technology for the SkyAlps fleet and other airframes that can be upgraded in the future,” said Tamarack CEO Nick Guida.
The efficiency and operational benefits are expected to be key factors as airlines and leasing companies consider the environmental impact of their fleet and look for competitive business advantages. The aircraft modifications will feature significant emissions reductions, and SkyAlps CEO, Alex Spinato remarked, “The Tamarack upgrade will be ‘world changing’ given the combination of efficiency increases of 7-8% along with additional range for the aircraft and important takeoff safety improvements.”
This is particularly remarkable considering that SkyAlps already offers per-flight carbon emissions that are nearly 50% of competing flights, according to Google Flights, which offers estimations of CO2 emissions for almost all airline traffic.
“The Q400 is a proven platform and as we look at the lifecycle emissions impact of increasing our fleet around the world the obvious answer is to upgrade an existing platform with a terrific track record,” said Josef Gostner head of FRI-EL GREEN POWER and owner of SkyAlps. He added, “The improved efficiency on top of the lifecycle emissions impact combined with increased use of SAF are a trifecta that cannot be seen in anything offered and we are proud to lead the path to a more sustainable aviation future.”
The SkyAlps’ fleet – expected to be fourteen aircraft within two years – will be upgraded with new cockpit avionics offering weight savings and operational efficiencies for better fuel-savings using Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) when available and employing sustainable and the most efficient route planning, along with Tamarack’s Eco-SMARTWING(TM) technology reducing fuel consumption as much as three times as outdated traditional winglets in use now. New Q400 aircraft interiors will be installed featuring weight savings and unsurpassed passenger comfort. The combined capabilities of these upgrades can also be adapted by other aviation industry operators. SkyAlps is proud to be equipping its own growing fleet and also offering the sustainable upgraded package to other airlines.
Along with SkyAlps, Tamarack and other major industry leaders plan to offer the world’s lightest, quietest, and most sustainable Q400 design. SkyAlps is expected to announced details of a demonstration tour from Bolzano, Italy to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and then to Tokyo, Japan with the upgraded Q400 aircraft in coming months.
Tamarack upgrades are already operating on over 180 Cessna CitationJets providing up to 33 percent fuel savings and range increases under optimum conditions and the upgrades are also featured on two King Air demonstration aircraft.