New Delhi. 29th Feb 2020. One-day international conference on “BIG DATA, DATA ANALYTICS IN AVIATION & CONNECTED AIRCRAFT” was held under aegis of Aeronautical Society of India – BOM Branch at Thakur Institute of Aviation Technology, Mumbai. Ms Harpreet A. De Singh, Director Air Safety Air India & Chairperson AeSI BOM Branch welcomed the speakers and guests.
Chief guest Dr Satish Modh, Director VESIM, Mumbai in his address described the importance of Data sciences in contemporary education system in India. He told the audience that VESIM was the first institute to introduce Data Science programmes in it’s curriculum.

Mr Ashwani Sharma, Aviation Consultant, EDGEVARSITY LEARNING SYSTEMS PVT LTD, Bangalore was the convened the event on behalf of Aero society. An industry veteran of 44 years with experience of attending dozens of international aviation conferences, Mr Sharma also discharged the duties of compere while making well timed Interjections replete with anecdotes from his vast experience.

In his keynote address Mr Nishant Balakrishnan, Head Digital Services (Sales), AIRBUS INDUSTRIES, France set the tone for the conference detailing the importance of Big Data and Data Analytics in the field of aviation and how Airbus Industry was leading the way in pioneering research in this segment of aviation engineering. He had flown in from Toulouse, France only for delivering keynote address despite the CoVid scare and this fact was warmly applauded by an appreciative audience of AeSI members, IAF delegation, industry stakeholders, visitors from Chennai as well as students of Thakur Institute.
Following Mr Balakrishnan, there were presentations by Mr Harshad Khadilkar, Scientist TCS & visiting faculty IIT-B, Mr Mangesh Adgaonkar, Founder CEO, Proverne Solutions Bangalore and Rajat Shrivastava, Manager Avionics, VISTARA Airlines. Pre lunch session was rounded off by a presentation by Mr Ashwani Sharma wherein he highlighted the need for introduction of Data Science learning in the schools curricula. He advanced the argument that unless Data Science studies incorporating Machine Learning, Advanced Statistics, Algorithms etc are taught at the school level, Indian students/industry would not be able to cope up with rapid advances being made in Big Data and Data Analytics and there was a risk of India being left behind as other western nations and even China was ahead in introduction of Data sciences in the schools.

Post lunch session began with a highly informative presentation on “BLOCK CHAIN TECHNOLOGY & IT’S USE IN AVIATION” by Garry Singh, CTO QUICKDESK SOLUTIONS, London UK. Mr Singh explained block chain technology in simple terms with examples which could be easily understood and earned repeated applause from the appreciative audience. The day was rounded off with an animated panel discussion on the topic of “HOW BIG DATA & DATA ANALYTICS IS REVOLUTIONISING AVIATION INDUSTRY”. Knowledgeable panel comprising of domain experts – Mr M.P. Sajumon (AIR ASIA), Mr Sameer Mathur (SPICEJET), Mr Vinod Shukla (GO AIR) & Mr Pankaj Kumar (THALES) was expertly moderated by Mr Ashwani Sharma. The panel dwelt the status of Big Data & Data Analytics in Indian aviation industry along with future prospects. The pros/cons of providing live streaming content on board to enhance passenger experience was debated upon with audience joining in with interesting and challenging question for the panellists.

Conference concluded with vote of thanks by Mr Ashwani Sharma. It was felt by all present that there should be a sequel as many aspects of vast field of BIG DATA & DATA ANALYTICS remained to be discussed.